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SuperMama Postpartum Recovery Video Kit Free bundle (38 videos) SuperMama Postpartum Recovery Video Kit
Hi mama, congratulations on the new addition to the family! This Video Kit was created with lots of love, especially for you, and it is perfect for those very early postpartum weeks, starting the second you get back from the hospital (no worries, no crazy workouts here! haha :)). Although you are not allowed to workout yet, there's plenty of prep work you CAN do, to get your body and mind ready and to start a healthy recovery process. So what do you get? • Mental support and survival tips for those early weeks • Breathing tips to help your body recover • Informative videos to help you better understand what is going on and how you can support your body's natural healing process • Extra light mobility to help you with aches and discomfort • Extra light core sessions to help you with proper, safe postpartum activation, to support your body AND of course - my full support whenever you need it. Please note: No matter at what week you started, make sure to go by the order. For example: If you are 3 weeks postpartum, you should still start at week 1 and take it from there.
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